One beautiful fall morning when my son was 11, he turned on the TV. That in and of itself was unusual because we were not in the habit of watching morning TV. He was being home schooled that year, so we had plenty of opportunities to watch the morning news, but we just didn’t do it. However on that particular morning, as I was helping my daughter prepare for school, for whatever reason, my son turned on the news and said, “Hey Mom! A plane crashed into one of the Twin Towers.”
Recently at dinner, he was talking about his generation, “We are not going to be a pretty generation as we age,” he told us, quite out of the blue. “What do you mean?” Tattoos. He was talking about a generation of tattoo’d old folks, and we all had a good giggle at the thought of old wrinkled grannies and grandpas walking around with “sleeves”, tramp stamps, and ear plugs. He picked up a tortilla chip and held it vertically, “You’ll be able to slide this through someone’s ear hole when they are 75.”
He’s almost 21. Our 18 year old daughter left for college a few weeks ago- the first to (more…)