My friend Richard Nikoley runs a very popular paleo-living blog, His main focus is diet and fitness, but he is also an anarcho-capitalist, his thought falling in the same general neighborhood as mine or Jim Klein’s, and this influences his writing in salutary ways. Human life is a gestalt, and all the healthy food in the world won’t save you if you fuel your mind with poisonous philosophy.
I encourage you to see Richard pushing that envelope in a post called “If You Want Someone Dead, Then Kill Them Yourself.” It’s not Murder by Numbers, very much the contrary:
There will always be killing and murder. Those who propose solutions that involve eradication are deluded, or worse, scamming you. Have you paid them anything or donated?
I have a modest proposal and it’s already in the title: if you want someone dead, then just kill them yourself.
You see, it’s very difficult for me to assume that many people don’t want one whole fuck of a lot of people dead. Isn’t that part of the reason why so many agitate, then stand in line at a voting booth, to vote death by proxy, “support the troops,” and all thayt? Do they go home (more…)