Start the day dancing: Here it goes again by OK Go

Why? Because it jumps.

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Start the day dancing: Effect and cause by The White Stripes

Danceable ontology:

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Admiring human arrogance and abhorring the affectation of humility.

I’m in the process of re-purposing to make it more about the quest for Splendor, and that lizard seems like an excellent place to start.

The photo was taken by my friend Cheryl Johnson, blogmother to thousands and champion of everything in Los Angeles that Hollywood forgot. The lizard is himself an Angeleno, as you can tell by how thoroughly he worships the sun.

Here’s what is interesting to me about lizards and birds and lions and bears and cats and dogs and the tiniest of bugs: They are all perfect just the way they are, and they betray no doubts about their own perfection. Of course, they can’t entertain any doubts at all, but it is nevertheless so that neither a lion or a lizard ever feels less than perfectly competent to be what it is. There is a natural, unstressed arrogance to the behavior of every type of animal that is simply gorgeous to behold, an acceptance of reality and a validation of the natural order.

As with all of the animal kingdom, we are the only exception to this ubiquitous arrogance. Uniquely among creatures, we can understand what we and they are doing, and yet we alone can pretend to (more…)

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Delayed gratification: “Come Hither, Darling” is still to come.

Prepending further notice: I have not been back to this project for a few months, and I don’t know when I’ll get back to it. Everyone’s money has been refunded, and I’ll probably do something very different when I get my mind back on this book. –GSS

I am late finishing Come Hither, Darling, my forthcoming book about making immaculate love, and for this I apologize. I had planned to finish by April 15th, so I’m already 15 days late. I took time out to write a book of philosophy called Man Alive!, and I’m racing to get caught up on everything else.

Here’s the good news: If you read Man Alive!, it will make your whole life better, including your sex life. Meanwhile, if you are anxiously awaiting Come Hither, Darling, I should finish drafting this week, so I should be ready to ship books within a couple of weeks.

Come Hither, Darling is going to be an eBook — in PDF form for now — and it is for sale on a pre-release basis. I believe these ideas are worth paying for. If you agree, the price for the finished product will never be lower than it is right now. I plan (more…)

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Rats on cocaine might like Miles Davis, but all tax-funded academics know this for sure: Free money is more addictive than anything!

You just can’t make this shit up.

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From Man Alive! – “The love of Splendor is the life divine.”

From: Man Alive! A survival manual for the human mind.

Extract from Chapter 12. The love of Splendor is the life divine.

There is one more idea I want to take up with you, and I think it is the most demanding one I know. You had to wrap your mind around the self, after being told all your life to despise it, and then I sprung the notion of self-adoration on you. I undermined just about every dogma you have ever heard about, and then I made you eat anarchy-pie and like it – or at least not spit it out. And now I plan to make you stretch even farther, to go with me where no philosophy of reason has ever gone before.

Where might that be?

To heaven.

“Say WHAT?!?”

But, but, but… Heaven is for theologians. Heaven is for priests. Heaven, every smug academic will sneer, is for wishful thinkers who can’t handle the infinite hell that is human life on Earth.

I think you might be able to guess what I think about a claim like that. If theological pronouncements about ontology and teleology are intellectually useless, invalidities defended with insipidities, so, too, are the metaphysical opinions of modern philosophers, academics, artists, journalists (more…)

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From Man Alive! – “Indomitable you.”

From: Man Alive! A survival manual for the human mind.

Extract from Chapter 11. Indomitable you.

We all know that slavery is abominable, a vile and vicious practice, indefensible on any grounds. And yet we may not know – or may know but do not want to admit we know – that many, many slaves, throughout human history, have clung to their captivity and vehemently resisted manumission – freedom. And while you may want to insist that you would never prostate yourself like that – begging to be chained, begging to be abused, begging to be despoiled – precisely what is it you are doing when you sign your tax return? When you mail in your property tax check, paying, over and over again, so that the brute of the state will not confiscate the land you allegedly own? What are you doing when you show up, hat in hand, in one government office after the next, begging for permission to stay alive for one more day – so that today’s earnings can be expropriated just like those of the day before and the day before that, on and on for every day of your life?

There are a lot of different things I (more…)

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From Man Alive! – “A mindful catalog of mindlessness.”

From: Man Alive! A survival manual for the human mind.

Extract from Chapter 10. A mindful catalog of mindlessness.

I like to play a philosophy game I call Backstory. I will look at someone – anyone I happen to see – and try to project backward in time to the past causes of that person’s present-day appearance. Toddlers and young children will have sweet faces, almost always, with no deeper meanings to be discerned. But older children and adults will have had many experiences in their lives, and those past events will have written an emotional history in the lines of their skin. Your mama told you, when you glared and grimaced at her, that your face would freeze like that, but neither one of you knew she was right: The facial expressions we wear most often – habituated Mothertongue emotional reactions – inscribe themselves into our skin. I can see those habitual expressions in the people I am watching. Their clothing and their manner will tell their stories, too, and it is interesting to me to try to suss out their histories, just by looking at people from a distance.

I stress that this is just a game. Every living organism, human or (more…)

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From Man Alive! – “The high cost of mindlessness.”

From: Man Alive! A survival manual for the human mind.

Extract from Chapter 9. The high cost of mindlessness.

Because you never trained your mind to think about the ontology of human nature – don’t fault yourself for that; no one else did, either – you thought they were just talking about you. You’ve known your whole life that you yourself have never been able to live down to the perverse ideas of “virtue” that evil philosophers and their mindless minions have never tired of preaching at you, but you thought the fault was yours alone. You thought that, since everyone incessantly repeats these inverted moral prescriptions, everyone other than you must be conforming to them, as well, and it must be you alone who is defective. You could not succeed in condemning – damning – your life and still living it, so you called yourself a “sinner” for committing the awful crime of continuing to live as a human being after insisting to yourself not just once but a thousand times that the self – the cardinal value in the uniquely-human life – is evil. How could you possibly claim to be good if you could not ever seem to do the (more…)

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From Man Alive! – “The integrity of art.”

From: Man Alive! A survival manual for the human mind.

Extract from Chapter 8. The integrity of art.

When I talk about Mothertongue and Fathertongue, I know that many people are straining to divide them up in their minds, to separate them and to regard them somehow as being opposites. This is understandable – it’s the way our minds like to work, in distinct categories – but it is incorrect. A genetic Homo sapiens becomes a human being when he masters Fathertongue, but none of us ever stops communicating in Mothertongue.

For one thing, since Mothertongue consists of bodily expressions of internal emotional states, we are “communicating” in Mothertongue all the time – even when we are all alone. For another, Mothertongue is necessary to many types of human social concourse – when we want to communicate love or hate, affection or indifference, trust or suspicion, admiration or contempt, reverence or ridicule, pride or shame, satisfaction, boredom, fascination, derision, impatience, joy, anger and countless other emotions. For still another, Mothertongue is essential to demagoguery and other forms of deception: I can say one thing – or a noisome nothing – in words and simultaneously communicate a different idea in facial expressions, verbal intonations or (more…)

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