I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of currency in the exchange of values. If we think in strict economic terms, all we see is money and goods. But if you broaden the idea of value-pursuit to all human values, we can think of a currency as being something I have that I can use to get something I want.
Consider: Marriages fail because he is trading the promise of love and devotion (one currency) in pursuit of lots of really hot sex (another currency). In her turn, she promises hot sex in trade for lots of love and devotion. Both parties almost immediately start issuing scrip — counterfeit currency — all the while bitching about the bogus bills they’re getting in exchange.
The turmoil grows from there, but those are the root resentments from which the rest of the gnarled tree grows. They both feel cheated — and they’re both right. They’re also both counterfeiters — which neither will admit. Instead, each partner will disavow any responsibility for the steady destruction of what started as a grand passion for each of them.
Here’s some really good news: As soon as each one of them acknowledges and accepts the other partner’s values, they (more…)