This is an extract from a book I wrote called The Unfallen. Today is Patriot’s Day, the birthday of Gwendolyn Jones, the leading lady in the novel. In this segment, Gwen discusses how women cheat themselves of their own sovereignty in the vain pursuit of romantic love.
“Do you know how much I enjoy watching you walk?” Devin asked.
Gwen smiled demurely and he knew it was a pose, because, while she was many different things, often many at once, she was never demure.
“When you walk, nothing above your hips moves, not if you don’t want it to. You walk with your feet and your knees and your thighs and your hips. You don’t swing your arms or sway your shoulders or bob your head. Your upper body is perfectly still.”
“Is that so unusual?”
“I think it is. When I first noticed it, I wanted to say you were languid. But languor is such an ugly kind of…”
“Lassitude?” She didn’t quite laugh at him.
“Precisely. You’re a vibrant snot, and there is nothing languid about you. And yet you move so gracefully, even at top speed, that you make everyone else look sloppy and frenetic and spastic.”
“Sometimes I wiggle my behind. Does that qualify me (more…)